Reply to the attached heartfelt sharing from my client :
Thank you very much for your sharing! I am so glad to have helped you out during this period of time. From Healing to Coaching... do you still remember....when you first came to see was so timid & anxious, reluctant to go to school? Today, you have turned into a cheerful young girl, living so happily, enjoying your school & full of confidence! The big changes in you make me feel so proud of my work.
Seeing positive changes in my clients, seeing them living a completely new life are things which amazed me & urge me to discover more new techniques to Heal & Coach.
“Everybody needs a Coach” during the path of life, I will always be with you when you need a helping hand. I’m sure that you will be a very successful and happy person in the future!
Warmest Regards,
Agnes Lai
Emotion Psychotherapist
"Dear Agnes,
I cannot even begin to thank you for how much you've helped me with my troubles in the past.
When I first started seeing you. I was five years old and was unsure of what was to come. I didn't even realise I had some anxiety issues, but you made me realise that it was going to be okay and I will be able to overcome the situation at hand.
I could never forget when you helped me with my fear of getting back on a horse after the trauma I had from falling off previously. For that, I'm really thankful that you helped me overcome this fear because if it weren't for you, I would never be a rider I am today.
I'm also grateful for the advice and comfort you gave me before I moved to Canada. You made me realise that although moving to a different country so far away from home will be difficult and new, it was going to be a fantastic experience and a wonderful adventure. Now that I've moved there for a few months, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time, which is all thanks to you!
Thank you for always being there for me, and being able to help me through my issues and discomforts. I'm really glad that I was able to come to you with my problems and you would always have a way to solve them and make me feel better about. I'll always remember the stories that you would tell me about the Wishing Tree, the Frog and so much more. You've helped me greatly and I would definitely recommend you to help anyone else in need.
I'll always be thankful to you!"